Fruit Haven 3

or Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see lots for sale in Fruit Haven 3!

Fruit Haven 3 (FH3) is a 66.4 hectare (164 acre) farmland, up the hill past Fruit Haven 4, and next to Fruit Haven 8 and 7, on top of the mountain ridge. It is ideal for people who prefer remoteness and don’t mind a 15-20 minute ATV drive on Fruit Haven Road to arrive at the property. There is internet, running water, and solar power in the community area and in some of the homestead lots. There are multiple owners living in their cabins on the property, with guests renting the rooms in the community house. There is a large stream running along the north boundary, with a nice waterfall that has a pool underneath that is fun to swim and bathe in.

To live at this property it would be best to have a personal vehicle like a quad. We can easily find 200-250cc quad ATVs for Fruit Haven owners. Used they can cost around $1500-$2500 depending on brand, condition, and accessories. We can also source used pickups, jeeps, and 4×4 ATVs/UTVs. Keep in mind that it will be at least 2 years before our private Fruit Haven road can be connected out to a main road so once we bring these vehicles here they are for internal farm use only.

Elevation and Climate

The elevation is 1000-1050m elevation on average. We are 3 degrees from the equator. This results in annual average daytime temps of around 24-28 and nighttime of 16-20. Tropical fruits that will grow well here: Jackfruit, mangosteen, banana, papaya, white sapote, mysore raspberry, citrus, durio graveolens and zibethinus hybrid, mangifera odorata and mangifera caesia, lychee, and many others.

The elevation on Fruit Haven 3 is just a bit too high for durio zibethinus / other lowland durians, and marang, for example. People who want to grow these fruits may wish to check out Fruit Haven 4 at 760-850m elevation.

FH8-9 Stream

The Fruit Haven 3 community area with workshop, bathroom and shower, and community house

The kitchen in the community house

A view of the mountains from the community house porch

One of the bedrooms at the Fruit Haven 3 community house.

Community Area

The community area at FH3, which is jointly owned by all FH3 co-owners, has a community house with 2 rentable bedrooms and a kitchen. There is a dry composting toilet, and a shower with hot bathtub. Nearby is a workshop for tool storage and small projects. The community area has broadband internet.

Off-grid cabin on a private homestead lot at the Fruit Haven 3 community.

Fruit Haven area map

 Area Map

This map shows the location of Fruit Haven 3 in relation to the other properties. (click the image to expand)

Lot Map

This is a map of the lots in Fruit Haven 3. The green highlighted lots are for sale. The “empty land” is jointly owned by the FH3 owners and is maintained as a natural forest reserve.

Land Available at FH3

FH3 Lot 5 click here for info

FH3 Lots 14 and Lot 15 links below

Lots 14 and 15 of Fruit Haven 3 are for sale. Each lot comes tied to a 5% share of property co-ownership with your name on the title.

Cost: The asking price of each lot is $20k USD, plus closing costs. These lots are being sold by a single FH3 owner who is downsizing his percent of ownership.

See photos here: Lot 14 and Lot 15.

See GPS maps here: Lot 14 and Lot 15.

Lots 13-15 are located adjacent to the southern property boundary of FH3 and the northern property boundary of FH7.

The planned access to these lots is via extending the dirt road from the FH3 community area. We will complete this road once we get enough funding from the owners of FH7, FH9, and other farms up the mountain. The owners of lots 13-15 can also make voluntary contributions towards the road expenses to get this done faster. Once the road is done: You can drive up through FH2 or FH4 on the Fruit Haven private road, through FH3 past the community area, finally arriving at FH3 lots 13-15. Expect this to be a 25 minute drive on an ATV, motorcycle, jeep, etc.

The CURRENT access (until we have enough funding for the road extension) is a 15-20 minute drive from the bridge in Chuchumbleza up to 400 meters past (east of) the Fruit Haven 3 community area. Then, it is a 10-15 minute walk to arrive at these FH3 lots.

Lots 13-15 are too high to be hooked up to the existing FH3 gravity-powered community water system. However, they can run a waterline from the stream that goes between FH7 and FH9, and make a similar gravity-powered system. This cost could be shared between the three future buyers of lots 13-15. Or, the first buyer could pay for the system installation then the future buyers could pay him for rights of usage.This could cost from a few hundred dollars up to a few thousand depending on the type of system and the volume of water desired.

A 1/2″ HDPE line can provide enough pressurized water for shower, hose, sinks, etc. You can hookup a larger volume waterline for additional cost.

We recommend installing solar electric (with optional backup generator) in off-grid homesteads at Fruit Haven.

This property is very far from the grid, so installing a powerline would be prohibitively expensive.

You can install internet via broadband antenna on these lots for around $150. The typical monthly plan is 6MBPS up/down for $30/month. Higher speeds are available. Shared connections are an option.

Within 1-2 years we hope to install fiberoptic internet available to all Fruit Haven lots.

More details on the topography of these lots will be available soon.

You must allow a water hose to cross your lot in case nearby lots need it for their water system, and you must allow for its maintenance following reasonable terms. You can choose to bury it if it is not already buried.

Closing costs – will be $1400 per share to purchase one lot. $1000 per share if you purchase multiple shares. $1200/ea if multiple people purchase their shares at the same time. Read more here: Closing costs.