For Fruit Haven Trustees only
Rental Policy:
10% commission from the rental price that is paid:
– We will list your place on our website on a page and link from pages such as Room Rentals and the main menu.
– We manage the communication with renters that looking for a place to stay while visiting Fruit Haven.
– We will manage hiring the local workers to clean and organize the place for rent (cost of the workers are extra) and bedding (assuming you already have it or we can purchase on your behalf and deliver to your property) before the guests arrive.
– We will meet and welcome the guests with explanation, tour and instructions on how to stay at your place and participate in community activities, tours and enjoy their stay.
Other Ads: for things that are harder to track revenue/income we will charge $100/year fee to list on the website, including links to your page and email or other contact you would like on a special page for your ad.
Note: we can only do yearly and not monthly or refund for anything less than 1 year, nor will we switch the “Rental Policy” to “Other Ad” policy less than 1 year or mid-way through a rental in order to keep the commission for the rental management team in fair distribution.