FH2 Lot 11

Lot 11 of Fruit Haven 2 is for sale. The listed price is $15,000 USD (or best offer) plus closing costs. See closing cost details at bottom of page.



General Sale Info

This lot includes a 5% share of the property ownership (with your name on the title) and a 0.75 hectare / 1.85 acre personal homestead lot.

Lot 11 is located a 5 minute drive (motorcycle/quad) or 20 minute walk from the Fruit Haven 2 community area, and is only a 20 minute walk from the FH3 waterfall.

The lot is mostly secondary forest, including native hardwood trees and palms. There is a gentle slope down towards the west side of the lot, and a small spring water stream on the southwest corner is flowing year round and can be used to get clean water.

This lot is right along the FH2/FH3 access road. You can arrive via motorcycle or quad on dry days. In the future the road may be graveled which will allow for access in all weather.

There is currently no water system, but one could install a rainwater catchment system, or hook up to the existing tank and water line in the “Arroyo Orito” stream (see map below.) Note that there would be a cost associated with hook-up since the system is privately owned by other FH2 owners. To hook up to this system, a house would have to be built on the west side of Lot 9 to have sufficient pressure.

Broadband internet can be hooked up via installing an antenna. This could be on the side of the house depending on house height and position, or you could mount it on a pole. Installation cost can be between $150 and $1500 depending on your mounting and antenna choices. Internet service costs about $30/month for 4 MBPS up/down (higher speeds are available). Owners of nearby lots could also group together and install one antenna, then have fiberoptic cable distributing internet to each house, for a fairly low cost.

For electricity, the most viable option here is a solar system, which can be installed on your house from $2-$4k for a basic system.

There is cell phone signal on this lot, but no or very weak 3G.

Click here for pictures: FH2 Lot 11 Photos

Send us an email at fruithaven@protonmail.com for more info.

Fruit Haven 2 Community Area

Internet access is available at the FH2 community area which is currently being developed, though internet could also be installed on lot 11 if desired, as explained above. The FH2 community area is accessible via crossing the bridge across Rio Zamora from the parking lot. The government has plans to widen the bridge in the future to make it possible for cars to pass.


The map below is a lot map of FH2. Click here to see a higher-resolution PDF.

Click here to see a detailed GPS coordinate map of the lot.

We encourage you to come visit the land, or you can arrange a Skype or Facebook call with us to ask detailed questions about the land. 0.75 hectares is more than enough land to raise food for a family.


Lot 11 may have a black water hose running through it, that is part of a private water system used by various FH2 owners. If you purchase this lot, you may not interfere with this tube or charge the owners of the water system for its placement, nor may you prevent the owners from doing occasional maintenance on it. You may not hook up to this system unless you arrange it with the owners of the system and pay the appropriate share of the water system cost. However, you may bury the tube underground if you so desire.

Closing Costs

The closing costs will be as follows:

$1200 if one person purchases this 5% share.

$950 per person if two people each purchase a 5% share around the same time, from the same owner (combining the closings of this lot and another FH2 lot currently for sale by the same seller)

$800 per share if one person purchases two or more FH2 shares currently for sale at the same time.

This covers all government fees, sales taxes, registration, as well as the agent’s fee for carrying out the sale. There are two things it does not cover: (1) Your signing, sending, or possible translation of the power of attorney document, as these costs can vary depending on your situation. (2) Any money transfer or foreign exchange fees you may incur in sending the closing costs or property purchase funds. Note that the seller will be responsible for any intermediary bank fees that may arise.

FH2 Property Development Fund

Your purchase of Lot 11 incurs no immediate obligation to the FH2 Property Development Fund, but after the current budget period is up at the end of 2020, you should expect to pay about $300-$500 per year towards the fund in order to cover general property maintenance expenses including marking property boundaries, upkeep of the FH2 community area, et cetera. The budget for this fund is proposed by any trustee or the project administrator, and approved by all FH2 owners, at the end of each year for the following year.

Why is the lot being sold?

In this case, the owner has a larger share of Fruit Haven 2 and wishes to reduce the share of ownership, so is selling this 5% share.