Fruit Haven 12

Fruit Haven 12 (FH12) is a 28 hectare farm, next to Fruit Haven 11, on top of the mountain ridge past Fruit Haven 3. It is ideal for people who prefer remoteness and don’t mind a 30 minute ATV drive on Fruit Haven Road to arrive at the property. We plan to install internet, running water, and solar power in the community area. We will extend the Fruit Haven private road to reach this property. There are large streams running along the north and south boundary, with waterfalls and good bathing spots.

To live at this property it would be best to have a personal vehicle like a quad. We can easily find quad ATVs for Fruit Haven owners. Used they can cost around $2000-$6000 depending on brand, condition, and size. A brand new 450cc 4×4 ATV is $8. We can also source Polaris UTVs, jeeps and other off-road vehicles. Fruit Haven community has a mini dump truck that we can use to deliver construction materials, furniture, and other large items to the Fruit Haven 12 property.

Elevation and Climate

The elevation is 1100-1200m elevation on average, at 3 degrees from the equator. This results in annual average daytime temps of around 24-28 and nighttime of 15-20. Tropical fruits that will grow well here: Jackfruit, mangosteen, banana, papaya, white sapote, mysore raspberry, citrus, durio graveolens and zibethinus hybrid, mangifera odorata and mangifera caesia, lychee, and many others.

The elevation on this property is just a bit too high for durio zibethinus / other lowland durians, and marang, for example.

FH8-9 Stream

Looking for seed investors!

The asking price for this property is $56k USD, but based on normal values in the area for this type of property, we should be able to make an offer for $33.6k USD. Along with a suggested $12k initial development budget, we would need to raise $46k in total to purchase this property. We can do this with a single seed investor, or a group of up to 6 people at $11.5k each.

Read more on being a seed investor.

Please contact us at if you have questions about future opportunities with this property.

Share Cost

Share cost and lot size: Will be announced soon.

Photos and Videos

Photos and videos exploring the property: Coming soon.

Property Development Budget

Planned property development budget coming soon. It will likely be $120k USD, and will be included in the share cost per 5% share.

Fruit Haven area map

Area Map

This map shows the proposed route of the access road to FH11 and FH12 (dotted lines) and the location of Fruit Haven 12 in relation to the other properties.
The solid brown line is a private road that is already made, and we use it daily. The dashed line inside Fruit Haven 3 is still driveable via quad half of the way, but needs to be improved.