We wish to issue a public statement concerning Peter Csere, who departed from Fruit Haven in late 2023 under allegations of dishonesty towards the community and interested buyers whose money he had been managing.
Financial Misconduct:
Peter Csere is accused of misappropriating funds from property purchases and annual budgets he managed for various owners. Despite repeated promises to repay, he remains significantly in debt, owing Fruit Haven property owners approximately $40,000 as of March 2025. Meanwhile, he appears to have had the finances to purchase land and build on his property for a new project in USA, Liberty Homesteads.
Additionally, he is documented to have taken cryptocurrency from Terra Frutis currently valued at $25k in value. Despite multiple requests and documented promises to return it, he has failed to comply. In 2025, he attempted to justify this theft by issuing a receipt for volunteer work performed a decade earlier at Terra Frutis, claiming over $20,000 for minor tasks that were originally consensual and unpaid.
Efforts to Avoid Repayment:
Peter Csere has repeatedly suggested that his debts could be settled through the sale of his land in Fruit Haven, contingent on the owners finding a buyer and managing the sale at his requested valuations. This proposal has not been realized, and he continues to owe approximately $65,000 to the two communities, with no repayment action taken for over a year despite many verbal assurances from Peter Csere.
Violent Altercation and pending Legal case:
To Summarize the situation concisely. Prior to his departure, Peter Csere was involved in a violent incident with Ecuadorian miners illegally operating on a then recently purchased property, FH9. Following repeated conflicts and threats, Peter, accompanied by government officials, documented the mining activity with a drone. The situation escalated when miners charged at him; Peter allegedly fired non-lethal shots from a rubber-bulet pistol, and the miners retaliated by attacking him with wooden logs. During the altercation, Peter stabbed one of the miners, resulting in a collapsed lung to one of these Ecuadorian miners. He subsequently faced criminal charges in Ecuador, which likely influenced his decision to leave the country.
After this there was mediation from a local and tensions have significantly deceased between the miners and Fruit Haven Residents, there has been no further conflicts as of March 2025. However the miners are likely to be still mining at FH9 and blocking off trails access to the properties.
Purpose of This Notice:
This public notice serves as a cautionary advisory for individuals considering interactions with Peter Csere. His documented history of financial disputes and conflicts warrants extreme caution, particularly in matters involving financial trust.
We hope that this conveys an objective perspective to this story and gives important information about recent challenges at Fruit Haven.
-Fruit Haven Management