Please share equally our fruits with members, residents and guests.

Papaya – since we have limited papayas we manage them by a list at FH1 that goes to the residents and guests in specific order. We harvest papayas ripe when they get a little color on them, some papayas get attacked by birds as soon as they show any other color than green (yellow or orange depending on the verity) therefore they are best picked as soon as there’s any sign of color other than green, but other papaya plants don’t get attacked by birds so we can wait for a more solid color before picking them (as long as not by a place that is prone to theft – like near a public path). Use the soft plunge on the end of a stick and try to catch so they don’t hit the ground too hard. Place on the shelf at FH1 for the manager to hand out the papayas.

Banana – when the bananas are plump to their full size and shape of the banana or starts to show any signs of yellow or splitting, they are ready to harvest. For red bananas the color will change to a pale or light pink or green or yellow.

Lemons – allow the fruit to get larger and mostly with yellow/orange (depending on the verity) before picking.

Noni – always allow to fall to the ground, do not pick from the tree.

Rollinia – can be picked from the tree when there’s any sign of yellow or if the fruit is soft. Use a sharp knife on the end of the stick or twist using a hook on a stick. Branches are weak, careful if climbing not to break the tree.

Soursop – when grown to full size and mature, spines get soft and smaller. Can fall off the tree when ready.

Black Sapote – the top ring part of the fruit will separate from the rest of the fruit when ready for harvest. See video Chocolate Pudding Tree – Timing is Everything Daley’s Fruit Nursery (Australia) When to pick and eat Black Sapote / Chocolate sapote

Canistel – turns yellow, allow to ripen to full color or drop for optimal taste.

Mamey sapote – when grown to full size scratch the surface if green it is not ready to pick, if orange/red it can be picked. Allow some days until it is as soft as avocado before ready to eat.

Mulberry – ready to eat when they are black or dark purple for that verity.

Tree lettuce – gently pull down the larger bottom leaf until it snaps cleanly from the trunk of the plant. Please leave the top 5 to 10 leaves so the plant can continue growing. Once it goes to flower allow them to go to seed without harvesting.

Katuk – for larger amount cut a branch from the top, at about chest height in order to promote more growth horizontally (since they tend to grow tall and all the lower branches are easier to harvest), for smaller amount cut a stem and take the leaves. Berries are edible but not the hard black seeds.

Winged beans – should be medium sized or leave the large tough ones to go to seed.

Brazilian spinach – pick the larger leaves, leave some leaves so the plant can grow.

Peanut butter fruit – pick when red to eat or when orange to ripen on the shelf, share on the shelf.

Cherry tomatoes – can be harvested when red and shared on the community shelf if there’s excess.