Basic Fruit Haven Ecuador
Vegan Group Land Buy Structure

1. What You Get

  • Percent Share in Property: Your name is on the property title, and it lists the percentage of the property you own.
  • Personal Homestead Lot: A designated lot on the property with GPS points, legally tied to your name.
  • Participation in Property Development Fund: Contributions go toward road maintenance, community areas, infrastructure like electricity and internet, tools, and equipment.

2. Legal Issues

  • Legal Contract Between Owners: Defines land use guidelines, dispute resolution, prohibitions, and fines.
  • Personal Homestead Lot Definition: The contract includes a map with lot numbers and GPS points, clearly establishing boundaries.

3. Residency Options

  • Property Ownership: Foreigners can legally buy land in Ecuador without residency.
  • Residency Based on Property Ownership: Only one owner per property can use it for residency. The largest investor usually gets preference.
  • Tourist Visa: Non-residents can stay up to six months per year or 1.5 years within a five-year period using a tourist visa. See this page for visa info

4. Property Use Options and Reasons for Investment

  • Permanent Residence: Some buyers choose to live permanently on their homestead lot, building a house and growing food.
  • Retreat or Vacation House: The property can be used as a vacation home or rented out to help maintain the land upkeep costs.
  • Commercial Organic Fruit Production: Buyers can invest in organic permaculture fruit production for small profit.
  • Investment or Resale: Some buyers purchase land purely for investment, planning to resell it later for a profit.


[Watch the original video here]