Fruit Haven 7

Fruit Have 7 (FH7) is a 7.85 hectare farm, is for sale, asking for $20,000 negotiable. It is located next to Fruit Haven 3 up in the mountain like FH3. It is ideal for people who prefer remoteness and don’t mind a 20-25 minute ATV drive on Fruit Haven Road plus hiking for about half an hour to arrive at the property. The extension of the Fruit Haven private road is planned in order to reach this property without hiking to get there.

Land Cost

The entire land 7.85 hectares (19.4 acres) is for sale, asking price is $20,000 (negotiable)

Photos and Videos

Click here for our photos and videos exploring the property.

Property Development Budget

Click here (PDF) to see the proposed property development budget for FH7.

Area Map

This is an area map showing the proposed route of the access road, and surrounding properties, including the planned future FH8 and FH9. Click on the image link to see the high-resolution image.

Property Map

The property was purchased undivided; we currently own half of it. Once the legal process to divide it into two properties is complete, it will be 7.85 hectares. Until then, we cannot claim lots as we are unsure of exactly how the division will take place.
The lease-to-buy agreement allows buyers to reserve a share of the property and corresponding lot size before we have finished this legal process, which could take until the end of 2021.
Click on the image link to see the high-resolution image.