Group Land Buys

New Legal Format

The Fruit Haven Community is exploring a new legal format for its group land buys. We want more legal security and lower costs! Properties with this new structure will be mentioned on the Land Available page.

Area Map

Simplified Share Society

The Simplified Share Society (SAS) is a low-cost, easy-to-administer business entity that has been adopted by various countries in Latin America, including Ecuador. It has already fulfilled its goal of spurring the development and registration of thousands of small businesses in the country. Its unique benefits mean it is the perfect vehicle for our group land buys at Fruit Haven.

SAS Benefits

Land Ownership

All assets owned by the SAS (such as land) are owned and administrated by the SAS shareholders.

No more high closing costs. To buy land, a share of the SAS is transferred to you in a much easier and quicker process, registered under the Superintendent of Companies.

Easy to understand: You own a 5% share in the SAS, you own a 5% share in the land.

Your share is yours to keep. Other shareholders cannot force you to sell your land. Inheritance law applies to your shares.

Let’s Grow!

Fruit Haven can grow bigger if we use smooth, secure, low-cost legal processes


Each Fruit Haven property will register an SAS entity just for the owners of that property.

Fulfilling Potential

We can attract more landowners at lower cost, growing our community.

Remote? No problem!

All you need to buy land in Ecuador is a valid passport.

Helping Hand

We will guide you through the process of registering an electronic signature and purchasing your share.

Fruit Haven Ecovillage

SAS Group Land Buys

It’s simple. You want to be a part of our community. You see a homestead you like. You fill out a questionnaire and we accept you. We show you how to register your electronic signature. You sign a promise of sale contract, and pay the seller. The seller electronically signs the share transfer, and you are now the proud owner of a 5% share in a Fruit Haven property. You are a co-owner of an Simplified Share Society with the other owners of that Fruit Haven property. The SAS owns the land and you own the SAS.

You move down here and build a house on your homestead, and live happily ever after.


What’s wrong with the old way? Well, it was kind of clunky.

The legal process for a property closing is slow and very expensive. It also requires a power of attorney if the buyer/seller is not present.

Buying or selling shares in a SAS is a much smoother, more streamlined process, using your electronic signature, and registering the sale with the government.

You still own the land with a title. The SAS is just a layer that facilitates smooth transfers of shares of ownership, in a much less clunky way. It’s a vessel that’s fit for purpose!


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