As much as I loved the many countries I traveled through, the amazing places and experiences, the people, and the unique fruits each country had to offer, I was still feeling that I wanted to be closer to like-minded people like me that wanted to follow a fruit-based diet. As much as I loved explaining my lifestyle, diet, and its benefits to the people I was meeting, I was getting bored of it and wanted to be with people that already knew why fruit is amazing and that growing it is the best thing we can do. That’s what led me to search the internet for a fruit-loving, raw vegan community. And while there were a number of them, Fruit Haven stuck out the most and resonated with me the best. I think it was a combination of Peter’s videos explaining why he chose this part of Ecuador and the fascinating idea of a group land buy.

We shared work and fruit meals, went on trips to the markets, and foraged local fruit, which was a lot of fun. Activities ranged from hiking to waterfalls, to planting and weeding and learning, to growing both fruit and ourselves as people. We were very excited about the approach of the first annual Amazon Fruit Festival in January of 2019 at our sister community Terra Frutis, which is about an hour away.
Working together at Fruit Haven was fun, and we learned from each other. I met people from many corners of the world, so I didn’t feel the need to travel anymore because they came to us. We enjoy learning about each other’s cultures.

This year I have built a cabin and planted many more fruit trees. Enjoying my own home-grown fruit and the community lifestyle is a great balance!
Come check us out!